As a kid, Srividhya’s Photos adorned the premises of Baba Studio Coimbatore. Now in her late teens, she entrusted upon us, her Dad’s Sashtiapthapoorthi photography Assignment. Being her family photographers, what can give us more joy, than to be a part of the celebrations!
It was an amalgamation of friends and Relatives who haven’t met in years. The result… the hall was brimming with Joy.
When the younger generation was queuing to get the blessings from the Sashtiabthapoorthi couple, they in turn were seeking the blessings of their elders. Like Always, it is a humbling experience.
What next.. other than a grand feast ! Srividhya made it a point, to make it grand. As all other things in her father’s sixtieth birthday celebrations, the food too was great.
After being a part of a Sashtiapthapoorthi photography assignment, a question arises always. Is this assignment, a sixtieth Birthday photography or a sixtieth wedding photography?
But does that matter? A beautiful bird can be called by any name.